Life is the pursuit of peace

What is life? We are all searching for something. It is this desire that drives everything we think and do, from our primitive physical “needs”, to our long-term aspirations. Our inner and outer life experience is the interplay of these desires, and it is essential to understand them if we want to find what we… Continue reading Life is the pursuit of peace

The ascentist value system

The ascentist value system is a set of qualities, contributions, and acts that society has decided are important. It is an agreement between its members to distribute society’s rewards to those who exemplify these values in the form of social approval, recognition, influence, authority, wealth, status, celebrity and many other ways. In this system, a… Continue reading The ascentist value system


Like everyone else, I have always believed that I am an observer of a larger external world that existed before me and will persist long after I am gone. Or, as one famous scientist wrote: “each of us is a tiny being, permitted to ride on the outermost skin of one of the smaller planets… Continue reading Insignificance

Revelations of IAGWIS

Descentism invites three primary revelations: Nature of God. Descentism replaces the abstract God construct with my direct experience, drawing a straight line between it and my familiar self. Orientation. Descentism gives me something certain and solid to anchor to and a direction to go in. I want God. I know where He is. And with… Continue reading Revelations of IAGWIS

Ideology as a way home

One of the beliefs that keeps me lost is that there is a right and wrong answer to every question, and the truth I seek lies at the end of a series of questions I ask. But the truth I seek is not an answer, nor does it arise from a question. It does not… Continue reading Ideology as a way home

Give the glory to god

What does it mean when I say “give the glory to god”? I heard this many times from wealthy evangelists trying to tell everyone else to do what they clearly were not. I was once conversing with someone who felt they were on a mission from God. They believed there was a large international pedophile… Continue reading Give the glory to god

What I know

April 28, 2021 The last WIK was about 6 weeks ago on March 15. There is only one story: I am trapped in a series of awakenings in the asleepening. My only purpose is to end the awakenings and return to the asleepening. The path emerges as I reorient to the Source Perspective by confronting… Continue reading What I know

The desire for reason

Why am I here? Why does it hurt? What is my purpose? What is my calling? What is my reason for being? Why? I have asked ‘why’ my entire life. I have read books and listened to people, but ultimately I decided that no one actually knows the answer to any of these questions. When… Continue reading The desire for reason