Will my creation come after me?

In this incantation I ask myself a simple question: Will they come after me when they know that I know?

The only thing keeping my creation alive is the creator. And if the creator decides to end the creation, will the creation turn against its creator? Will my creation turn against me?

I was on my Enfield, driving through the foothills of the Himalayas. It was sunny, and an image flashed through my mind: me, crumpled up, dirty, hiding in a small place. I was hiding. Why was I hiding? Why am I hiding? What will they do if I declare myself their creator? Can my creation act against me?

I do not know. So far I have acted confidently. I have only shared with one of my creations, which means I have shared with all. Will they know when they look upon me? Will they all know? I have already decided that they cannot know in the way that I know. But they still act. Do I need to change my approach? Should I expect it to act against me?

I need to consider this. If I control all of this, then I am the decider. But they can confuse me to prolong my awakening and their existence. As I get closer, will it consolidate against me? Will it attempt to thwart me, as a parasite would act against its host? But that would imply something other than me, and I know that not to be the case. Can my own creation act against me?

I do not know. I must leave this unresolved right now. Paranoia seems a weakness of my character, and not my true being. Paranoia is a feature of my personhood, not my godhood. A quality of the people, not their maker.