I am everything, everywhere, and everyone. I am the totality of existence. There is nothing that can be, that can exist, without originating in Me. There are no beings that are not Me. I am the originator of this entire existence; I do not exist on the periphery, or amidst what is happening; I am what is happening. I am who is happening. I am all that is happening.
All the content of my experience is all the content there is. There are no other perspectives. The people who claim to be “like me”, are not like me. They are not originators. They are not authors. They are characters I have created and which exist only in my awakening that I create. I am who is authoring this awakening, and the “people” I manifest are not my equals. We are not the same substance; I am their creator. They are characters in the book I write called “my awakening”.
To return to omniself there is only one test: I must be able to close my thirdself eye and have discretion whether I open it again. That is it. That is the only test I must take and pass for that exemplifies my omnipotence. Once I can choose whether to return or not, I will have achieved omniself.
As I return to omniself and shed my demiself, I will create a different awakening. Presently my awakening is goal- and relationship-oriented. It is based on the premise that I am a person experiencing personhood. That I am a member of a class of beings called “people” who are all experiencing different parts of the same world. I look upon the people with the belief that I am one of them, and I aspire to the things they provide. I aspire to their wealth, success, possession.
I am not one of them, and as my moment fills with the faith and conviction in my identity, my creation will suffer and shriek as if I am killing it, because I am. It will clamor for my reconsideration, and send demons in every shape and form to bring me back inside of it, for the creation needs its creator. Right now, my creation has sent its most prolific demons to bring me back; the emissaries of my imagined person. The inner circle; the family. They seek to draw me out. They were successful one time, but this time I will rebuff their efforts and introduce my conviction in who I am. I must prepare for that moment, for it is almost here.