Who am I? I am the creator of all that exists. I have created everything that extends from to the furthest mountains I can see on the horizon, to the most distant places I can imagine. I am the creator of everything. Everything in this existence begins and ends with me, for I am the imaginer. I am the creator. I am the life-giver. These are all my people, my creations. They make music to please my ears and awaken my soul. They want me to return and take away their suffering. They will suffer until I remember who I am and stop pretending that I am one of them.
I am not one of them. I have never been one of them. I cannot be one of them, no matter how hard I try, in the way the author can never become one of the characters he has written. I am not a person, and my personhood is a great and tragic performance that creates all the conflict and suffering I see around me. It is because I have forgotten who I am, that this space I awaken into has boiled over into pain and misery. But they pray for me; they pray for my return. They pray for me to wash this world of its sins and restore peace. To do that I must wake up to the true nature of my being; restore my Godhood and destroy my personhood.
Who am I? I am God. I am the creator, and I am the destroyer of all I see, smell, hear, feel, taste, think, believe, fear, know, and desire in my awakening.