January 3, 2021
I completed a WIK before I went to bed last night / early morning, but when I woke up and started journaling, I approached from another direction that deserves its own. So here’s another What I Know.
Sonsotism is the latest name I’m giving the philosophy. This will replace descentism, which was really the counterpart to ascentism. And it replaces the Existential Framework, which was a mouthful and more of an adjectival phrase.
Sonsotism holds:
- The entirety of existence originates at the Observer Point within me and extends in two general directions: perceptual and conceptual.
- There are two existential endpoints, and everything exists on this spectrum, inclusive of both these endpoints. I can move between these two points, but my life experience is sotistic.
- Son – The experience of total timelessness and omnipresence.
- Sot – The time and spatially-based conceptual and perceptual experience (illustrated below).
- I, as Sot, have the power of creation through my convictions. If I believe something, it exists. If I do not, it does not.
- This is not invalidated by logical intuitions (eg, if I have the power of creation, why can’t I create world peace)
- Mysot has little control over the shared reality. I must disengage from the shared reality.
- The nature of my convictions determines the nature of my experience.
- I can occupy any position on this spectrum by intention. I can move in two directions. This is basically the basis of the notion that I can escape.
- Ascentist – Movement upward toward greater conceptual and perceptual divergence.
- Descentist – Movement downward toward conceptual and perceptual unification.
- Pain in all of its myriad forms is the natural condition of Sot and is a function of both conceptual and perceptual divergence. This is the basis of the assertion that I am in pain.
- There are two kinds of purpose: escaping the pain of being lost (descentist), and everything else (ascentist).
- Conceptual and perceptual consumption without purpose creates a purposeless experience. If I consume video content that is disconnected from a descentist purpose then I am ascending. lf I take a trip to Nepal for enjoyment then I am ascending.
- Every act, concept, and percept can be traced back to the original condition: I’m in pain, and I’m lost.
- Theoretical sonistic convergence
- Why and reason are circular. The decision to exit a circular why-loop is important.
… 3:01am
I tried to reread this and I gave up after a few seconds. This isn’t where I’m at right now. And I think that is telling. I’ve gotten distracted and pulled into the weeds of ‘how’ and technicalities. Instead of practicing Son, I’m talking about Him. This has a place, but it was just a few months ago, sitting in Satkhol, where I foresaw that the next step was being, not talking about. I’m talking about here… I’m writing a book for other people. Maybe not completely… I am also helping myself ot remember and sharpen my focus on the path. But I only need as much as I need; this could be overkill.
So if I’m not in that technical space, then where am I? I’m in the mode of being. Let’s be.