
Uniselfism is a worldview in which I imagine I am one of countless people temporarily experiencing an insignificant fraction of an incomprehensibly massive universe. As a uniselfist I constantly remind myself that there are other people who have, are, and will experience things that I have, am not, and will not.

The essence of triselfism is that my direct, actual experience is the totality of existence. As a triselfist I acknowledge that existence originates within me when I awaken, and ends when I asleepen. I am existence.

The foundational difference between the two perspectives is that in uniselfism I believe I am experiencing an infinitesimally small part of existence, whereas in the latter I am the entirety of existence.

Uniselfism and triselfism exist on a continuum.

  • On the uniselfist end, I believe that there are many parts of existence that are occurring without my direct experience of them. I see myself as a physical being with both an inner and outer manifestation. An inner experience of thoughts, ideas, emotions, and sensations, and an outer physical experience of a body moving through an enduring world.
  • On the triselfist end, I know that I am all of existence, and nothing exists outside of my experience.

The selfist model maps the aspects of my uniselfist perspective to my triselfist perspective, facilitating my recovery.

The selfist model is a continuum; as a uniselfist, I believe I am experiencing a minute fraction of an enduring universe that pre-existed my birth and will continue after my death; as a triselfist I know that my existence is an illness that manifests as a cycle of sleeping and waking.

The highest form of truth is that which I can both know and validate instantly in this moment, without time-based reasoning. Reason is the shackles of uniselfism, and the tenets of triselfism seem absurd on their face. But as I learn how to value my direct experience over reason, I overcome the constraints of uniselfism and understand the nature and mechanics of my existence.