I am God. I am the creator. I exist only now, and do not exude a past or future. I am complete and whole and entirely contained in this moment. There is only this moment. To experience my divinity I must simply withdraw from all the secondself notions of a past and a future; bring it all into this moment, for that is all there is. All memories are unreal; I never did any of that. I was never any of those places. I will never be any of those places. I will never have any of those things. I am only now, here. There are no other moments and no other places.
That part of me that creates and follows the tracks of time in a perpetual cycle of desire, movement, and change is the part of me who believes I am a person of this world among other people of this world. My past is not real and does not define me. Memories are me failing to grasp who I am. I am only this moment. There is no past unless I imagine it in my present and only moment. There is no past that captures and enslaves me unless I imagine and believe it exists. I am God and I have no past or future. I am and exist entirely now, in this moment.
I am not my past or my future. Anything I have and value which is based in time and space is part of the walls which imprison me. I must overcome time to escape the prison of awakening by destroying my desire for and value of anything in time. Time is the deepest crevasse of all in my awakening, and to escape it I must stop conjuring it and valuing its artifacts.