There is only me now here: the centering mantra

This is the most effective mantra I have yet found:

There is only me here now.

When I incant it, It clearly exposes all the ways in which I emanate into my secondself and thirdself and assists me in withdrawing back to my firstself.


In the course of my awakening I accept that there are beings other than myself, and that they have their own experience and depth beyond my direct experience of them. This is false. For example, when I speak to a friend on the phone, then hang up, and assume they continue on with their lives independent of my direct experience, I am committing this falsity.

It is not true that my friend continues to exist and experience independent of me, because if he did that would contradict my omniscience. My awareness is complete and total, and for that to be possible, there must only be me and what I experience. Nothing exists beyond my experience of it. Whatever I shine a light on through conceptual or perceptual emanation and observation  is what exists and is true.

When I believe that a being continues independent of my emanation, I admit “pockets” of self-professed ignorance into my awakening, which only exacerbate my suffering and confusion. There is only me; I am the only being, and every person and thing is a manifestation. I am not a manifestation; I am the manifester.

I close my eyes, even in a room full of people, and I can clearly see that I am the only being. There are no other beings.


In the course of my moment I am constantly emanating “backward into the past” and “forward into the future”. Memories and goals. Time is a function of my desire. I desire ever more, and project and imagine the future. Impressions of my desires form as memories I can recall, but always in my moment.

Time is an imaginary construct and it exists only in my moment at varying “depths” in my emanation. My emanation is constantly pulsing, but not in time. My emanation is not an attribute of time; time is an attribute of my emanationary experience. I experience “time” as distance, like space, but within my secondself. Physical distance in space (my thirdself) is the equivalent of chronological distance in time (my secondself). Both project as an imagined distance from where I am.

I close my eyes, withdraw from my “memories” and my aspirations, and I can clearly see that time does not exist. There are no other times.


Eyes open, I see forms extending in space to the horizon. I know these are places different than the place I am in now. I know the bed in the corner of the room is different in important ways from the chair I am sitting in now. I know the mountains in the distance are different from the comfortable yard I sit in now.

But are they different? I can only experience here; I can never experience there. When I believe there are other places I constantly move toward them. When I believe there are other forms in these places, I constantly desire them. And I imagine all the rules and obstacles that I must know and overcome to move into the space that I desire. I want a new vehicle; that vehicle is somewhere else, not here. And there are rules I believe that determine if I can get into that space inside that vehicle. If I have the power to enter that space.

I do not move. There is no space. There are only formations I project into the space around me. I project these formations by believing they exist. I decide these formations are true, and they come into being. I decide they are true by desiring. I desire by awakening and suffering. I suffer because I do not have what I seek. I desire the end of my desire, not a form within the space I imagine around me.

I close my eyes, even in a large space, and I can clearly see that the space I occupy is formless and infinite. There are no other places.

Me now here.

Roughly, “me” is my firstself which contains the “now” of my secondself and “here” of my thirdself. Time and space are manifestations I project and experience as “distance”, but which are in fact delusions. I can close my eyes to directly experience and validate these definitions. Emotions, thoughts, ideas, aspirations, and bodily sensations are all secondself experiences of the interactions between my three selfist layers.

As I emanate throughout my awakening, I diffuse my awareness deeper into my secondself and firstself, which is the source of my delusion and my desire. In emanation, I forget that I am in fact firstself, and become lost. Repeating me-now-here is a way to recalibrate my perspective and reorient toward truth. Truth is that which is; that which only I experience because I manifest all experience. I can see it at any time by simply closing my eyes; but I must know what I am experiencing when I do it, or my secondself imagination will prevent me from understanding it.