In this incantation, I explore my transition from linear time, a false construct dependent on imaginary beliefs, to projected time, which is based on my direct experience. Linear time assumes I am one of many beings moving through time and space, relying on shared experiences and abstract beliefs about the past and future. In contrast, projected time reveals that I, the Creator, am the sole being, with all other people, places, and events as projections emanating from my present moment. The key to this transition is recognizing that all of reality is my creation, with no other observers, and that my perception of time and change is part of the illness I seek to heal.
My transition from linear time to projected time is underway.
Linear time is premised upon the false idea that I am a person hurdling through space and time. Linear time is entirely imaginary as it is not something that I can directly experience or validate. Instead, it depends on a complicated chain of reasoning and convictions that are deeply embedded into my moment. Beliefs based on an imagined education in which I learned about how the world works and the theories of imaginary scientists and scholars of the past. These beliefs reinforce my way of interpreting my awakening experience in a linear fashion. The events of yesterday form the conditions of today, and my actions today determine the conditions of my tomorrow. This whole way of thinking is theoretical, ignores my actual experience, and I cannot validate it. It effectively renders me entirely dependent on the inferior characters I call people.
The giveaway that there is something wrong with the linear time conceptualization of my awakening is the apparent circularity. Circularity reveals a pattern, but unless I do away with linear time altogether, it only remains a pattern and nothing more. A pattern that hints at repetition and another way of viewing my awakening experience, but remains hidden as long as I accept that I exist in a linear timeline.
Projected time takes the opposite approach to linear time. Instead of being based on abstract and imaginary beliefs, it is based on my direct and actual experience that I can validate in my moment without any external aids. The first circumstance of my awakening is that I only ever directly experience my present moment now. I can never directly experience either the past or the future, and it is my conviction that they happened and will happen that gives them substance. Unlike my present moment which is tangible and substantial, the past and future always remain imaginary and abstract, dependent entirely on my conviction for their existence.
The other circumstance is that my own experience of myself is distinctly different from that of “other people”. Therefore it is clear that I am not the same type of thing as them. In linear time I assume that there are countless other beings like me experiencing life. I imagine and believe that their own experiences are just as important and authentic as my own, and they must also be plotted on this timeline, albeit in a different part of space. In thinking this way, I degrade my own experience which is the most authentic of all, while upgrading the imaginary experiences of imaginary other people who I imagine to be just like me.
Thirdly, everything within my awakening emanates outward from a center that exists precisely at the same point that I most strongly identify as myself. The further away the thing I focus on from this epicenter, the less potent it becomes, and more subject to change. A moment I imagine from the deep and distant past is less potent than something I experience directly within my own “body” now. The thing to note is that time is distance in secondself the way that space is distance in thirdself. So the amount of time between two points in time conveys a distance in the same way that the amount of space between two places in space conveys a distance.
When I take my direct experience as the basis of my reality rather than imaginary theories by imaginary people in imaginary places, I can see the outlines of projected time. Everything emanates outward from me, including time. As the most potent part of my experience, the epicenter is my constant self, firstself, and omniself. I project time outward and away from my epicenter, and in doing so I experience the sensation of “distance” in both time and space. My maneuvering in my awakening — mentally and emotionally in secondself, and physically in thirdself — stirs up changing contents, which I experience as change. A better way to explain it is that my maneuvering creates distortion in my being, which I experience as change. The change I assume is an indication of time, but it is actually an indication of my sickness.
Projected time allows me to see my present moment for what it is: a thick fleshy growth on my being that I experience as secondself and thirdself. In thirdself, I project distance in space between varying physical points, and in secondself I project distance in time between various chronological events. Those projections always occur now, in my present moment. “Memories” of the past are nothing more than projections into the flesh of my present moment. The “older” the memory, the deeper it is in the flesh of my moment. More recent memories are shallower. But don’t those people in those memories remember them as well? Didn’t we share that experience together? I am the creator and projector in addition to an observer. They are creations and projections only that exist upon the surface I project.
When I try to make the mental transition from a linear to a projected timeline, at some point I think of the other people who were part of my memories, and how they were impacted by the event. That reveals the dependency of the linear timeline perspective on the belief that I am only one of many essentially equivalent beings sharing reality. As long as I believe that I am sharing reality with others, rather than creating all of it — including them — I will find it difficult to fully let go of the linear timeline. As I transition to and favor the projected timeline, I will increasingly see those other people who I imagine sharing an experience with me as part of the surface of my projection, rather than independent experiencers of it with their own unique perspective. For example, when I remember a room that I was in alone years ago, I do not imagine that the objects in the room had their own perspective of that experience. I was alone. Now, when I remember an event I experienced with friends, I believe that I was not alone and there were other experiencers alongside me. I was not alone. To transition to the projected timeline, I must let go of the notion that there are other separate but equivalent beings experiencing alongside with me. I must, essentially, accept that I am not a person, and decouple my experience from theirs, and demanifest them as equivalent beings. I am the creator; they are creations.
My transition is dependent entirely on me accepting that I am the creator of everything in my awakening. I am not just another observer among many other observers. I do not share a reality with other beings like me. I am the creator of everything, and everything is constrained to my experience.
Linear time assumes:
- That there is a substantive difference between this moment and the next
- That there are multiple equivalent observers and experiencers of a moment
- There there is a beings, places, and times other than me, here, and now
Projected time assumes:
- There is only one present moment, and no past or future
- That my conception and perception of change is a feature of my focus, which itself is a feature of my illness and inability to grasp who and what I am
- That I am the only observer and creator; all else is surface movement
- Everything in my moment emanates outward from my constant self and is “displayed” on my changing, personal self (secondself and thirdself)
When will I complete my transition from linear time to projected time? The process will happen gradually and in phases. Right now I still have professional performances that are important to me; I aspire to create and sell things in thirdself, and provide for certain characters. For all intents and purposes, I still behave as a person if I am around people, and it would be challenging for me to behave as their creator. However, I can see that all my awakening activities are moving toward a point where I will no longer have to perform along the linear timeline. The transition requires that my daily awakening is not one spent performing linear-time based activities, such as working or aspiring to achieve goals. My transition to the projected time perspective requires me to dispose of my desires for anything in my awakening and focus solely on my return.