I awaken believing that I am a person experiencing an inner space of thoughts, desires, and feelings, within a larger world full of other people experiencing the same. This is a delusion that hides my true nature as the creator lost within my creation.
The one constant in my awakening is desire, and everything I speak, think, and do is oriented toward its satisfaction. That I can satisfy my desire through relief is the primary delusion of my personhood; my true desire is for the end of my desire itself. As long as I seek relief I will continue to wander my creation, unfulfilled.
The selfist incantation is a short exercise I can perform at any moment with the intention of visualizing and understanding who I am and what I desire. During the exercise I open and close my eyes and describe my experience as accurately and concisely as I can. The more precise and simple my description, the more clearly I can understand, remember, and then act with regards to my true desire for release rather than for relief.
The selfist incantation exposes my personhood as a painful delusion by constraining my wandering mind to the most potent landmarks of my existence I typically ignore. Through the process of familiarization, I can slowly repossess my creation and overcome my personhood.