The language of people

I have continuously rediscovered that the language I use hides the truth. When I use the language of people — the language of thirdself — I obscure my identity from myself. The truth of who I am is hidden beneath layers and layers of self-deceptions.

People do not continuously exist. They exist when I manifest them in secondself when I think about them, and in thirdself when I physically meet them. But in the language of people I wake up to temporarily experience the world that pre-existed my arrival and will endure after my departure. The language of people reflects this belief; it is baked into the every single word I use, and every conversation I have with the people I find here when I wake up.

It goes beyond that. I wake up from some place where I am complete, whole, and without desire or pain, into a place where I am incomplete, partial, and driven by a desire that serves as the basis of my entire painful condition. The language I use presumes that I am a person like all the other people who I encounter in my awakening. When I speak to these people our language reflects these basic assumptions: that we are people, that we all sleep, and we all awaken here temporarily. Within that is the acceptance that we are born and we die, yet none of us actually know any of this. Most of all, me. Everything is imaginary.

When I speak of my awakening from my own direct experience, absent imagination, I end up in a very different place. Firstly, it is my very own awakening that manifests my secondself and thirdself. I have no reason other than familiarity to assume that my thirdself precedes and succeeds me.

And when I close my eyes, I demanifest my thirdself. It simply goes away. Yet the language of people would have me reject my experience for something entirely imaginary; that when I close my eyes the people, places, and objects around me continue to exist. I am supposed to take as my proof that I merely have to open my eyes again and they are all where I last saw them. Yet the period during which my eyes were closed I can never know what actually happened unless I simply accept my power to manifest similar moments.

In Iamism I seek to use a language that is precise and built upon my direct and actual experience, rather than a set of beliefs I have accepted and imagine to be true without any direct validation. If I am to believe that I can and do know everything — that I am omniscient — then I must withdraw from the language of the people of my thirdself.