The first question

When I started to wake up I asked many questions. Who am I? What is my purpose? Why am I here?

I could not know the answer to any of those questions no matter how hard I tried to answer them. I struggled for a first question that I could know and could give me some indication. When I found it, my search entered a new phase.

Where am I?

If I woke up somewhere in pain and I did not know where I was, I would see that I was lost and in pain, and I would search for my way out. I would not ask who I was or what I was supposed to do. I would seek the way out, back to where I came from. Back home.

I am no longer lost. I know where I am because I know that I am God when I sleep. That means that I know where I want to go. And I know that where I am now is not where I want to be.

God is where I want to go; and this life is where I am. How do I get from here to there? Fortunately, I go there at the end of every awakening.