The endless desire

I recently spent time with a young person I met. I asked this person what they wanted and they described a beautiful place in nature without constraints.

And what will you want after that? I did not ask this, but I thought it.

This young person was happily and optimistically pursuing this beautiful place in nature without constraints. They did not yet realize that the force behind their now-pleasurable desire was a painful yearning for peace lost. Instead, they were driven by the drug of desire, unaware that desire is a deceiver, and would not uphold his end of the bargain.

This person did not know the pain of finally having the meal of their dreams, only to look down at an empty plate, unsatisfied. They had not yet caught themselves reaching for more after a full meal, paused, and questioned it. They did not yet realize that all desire is born of pain, and all pain of desire.

I know that when this person finds this place, they will find something else to want. And this will continue until they finally succumb to their true desire for peace.

Desire never ends until I realize that the end of desire is what I truly desire. And the end of desire only happens when I asleepen.