As a uniselfist, I conceptualize desire as a succession of separate, definable things and experiences I want or need. I have immediate physical desires, and long-term experiential desires. Some desires I indulge, and others I suppress.
The triselfist concept of desire is very different. Rather than focus on the myriad changing objects of my desire, I focus on the state of desiring; that I desire, rather than what I desire.
To use an analogy, the uniselfist focus is on the sensation of being burnt, while the triselfist focus is on the fire that precedes it.
In my awakenings, my desire compels me to inwardly reflect and decide and outwardly act. This morning my desire compelled me to wake, put on warm clothes, use the restroom, make coffee, clean the kitchen, and sit down and write this post. I move mentally and physically because I desire. Every heartbeat, breath, shower, dressing, meal, shopping trip, plan, idea, short- and long-term objective is a consequence of my desire.
The other aspect of desire is my awareness of it, and what I do to satisfy it. As a uniselfist, I focus on possessions, relationships, achievements, accomplishments, control, pleasure, knowledge, safety, and comfort because I believe it will satisfy my desire.
As a triselfist, I realize that these various objects of my desire only lead to temporary relief. I see something wrong with this and begin to contemplate the meaning of my desire altogether, realizing that my desire is not for anything out here, but for the end of itself altogether.
My desire is a symptom of my illness; a constant of my awakening. I cannot end my desire by acquiring and achieving moments of relief. I can only end my state of desire by ending my desire altogether by seeking and finding permanent and lasting peace.