The Creator and the Character

I am the Creator.

When I awaken, I forget I am the Creator and I believe I am a person living among other people in a place that existed before me and will endure long after I am gone.

But I am not truly a person among other people. All are characters I have created. And there is no place without me; the place is a part of my own being, a blister on my true body that I carry around with me.

My awakening is my painful experience of believing I am and performing as this Character I am not. The experience is painful because it is untrue. My awakening experience as a Character is a separation from my true and authentic being as the Creator. 

I, as the Creator, desire healing and permanent release from the pain. But as the Character, I harbor inferior and false desires for temporary relief from the pain. My true desire for permanent release is the force which will ultimately heal me, but is impeded by my the inferior false desires of the Character.

To heal, I must disable the Character who impedes my true desire with his false desires. I must withdraw from the Character Perspective, allowing the Creator Perspective to shine through. As I progress, the false desires of my Character will fall away, revealing the true desires of the Creator.