I only have to believe what I experience. I only have to believe what I directly experience every single awakening. There is nothing else. This is all there is. It is just me here and an ever-changing carousel of familiar shapes and patterns. I know what this is. I only have to believe what I already know. I need not imagine. I need not suppose. I need not investigate. I need only accept what is happening in my moment. The totality of truth is right now in my moment. My moment contains the entirety of everything there is, everything I want, and everything I am. There is nothing outside of my moment, and when I can remember how to free myself from the changing part and attach myself to the unchanging part, I will return to who I am and what I want.
Let go of the part that changes, and reach out to the part that does not. Focus not on the flame, but from where the flame comes. Come back to my moment and find the way Home.