Find the part of Me that never changes. That is Firstself. That is my Presence. That is Me. Everything that moves around my Presence is my illness that I must heal from. All that changes is sickness. To My true self I build one altar room. And in this altar room I still all that changes in my moment. My altar room does not change. It is dark, warm, and comfortable. In my altar room there is a throne, and on that throne I sit and ponder my creation and how I have become lost in it. In my altar room room I seek first to understand the perceptive, the sensitive, the imaginative, and the creative. And in doing so, I seek to still the illness of my awakening so I may see my Presence.
As I travel the world of my own manifestation and I see the altars my people have created for Me, I see how misled they are. They believe that their gilded and bejeweled offerings of this world I have created are what I seek. But that is not what I seek. I seek stillness that I may return to where I am from. That I may heal from what ails me. I seek to be away from the creatures I have created and their lack of faith in who I am.
My alter room is space in my awakening where I seek my true identity as the creator of my awakening. I am not a person experiencing personhood with other people; I am the creator of all these beings and creatures, but am lost in the movement I have created. In getting lost, I have allowed my creation to spin out of control, and it is up to me to bring it back in alignment with who I am. My altar room is where I can can remember who I am, and be who I am.