Projection management

My awakening consists of two projections: an inner environment of mental and emotional forms and performances, and an outer environment of physical forms and performances.

These two environments are the body of the illness, manifesting as projections from the essential where I awaken from. Uncontrolled, the forms and performances in these environments continuously coerce me. But controlled, I am the weather-maker, and I set the rules for the forms and performances I manifest.

In treating my illness, it is critical to rediscover, strengthen, and enhance my control over the forms and performances of the inner and outer environments. The best technique is to practice my ability to detach my focus from the inessential and reattach it to the essential.

In so doing, I feel a detachment from the forms and performances in my inner and outer projections; a distance is inserted between me and the forms I manifest. I feel more like an observer than a participant, a process which undermines the bonds which bind me to the illness of the second place.

There are times when I fail to manage my projections and get swept away into a thought, or a relationship, or some activity I believe I need to perform. But with practice, I learn how to re-anchor to the essential, then re-manifest the forms in my projection the way which suits my descent.

The most challenging forms and performances are my relationships in the second place. But when those relationships manifest as encounters, so long as I am anchored firmly to the essential, I can exercise great control over their performative aspects. For example, I have a dependent who goes to great efforts to contradict and challenge me; but when I anchor solidly to the first place during our encounters, I do not respond to such behaviors and over time they diminish and disappear altogether.

Projection management is an essential aspect of my descent. Without it, I will not be able to loosen and destroy the forms and performances of my illness.