Potency is the measure of truth

There is a truth, and my decision about its nature is all that stands between my illness and recovery. The truth I choose will either imprison me, or set me free. I have only to decide: what is truth?

If I believe that my thirdself is the source of reality then I believe that truth is something discovered by experts, and codified and enforced by authorities. There are experts in every part of my sensational existence; experts on living, on breathing, on studying, on working, and countless other topics. If there is a topic, there are deified experts and certified authorities ready to explain the truths of the matter to me. These thirdself truths are declared in every format: written, spoken, and video.

As long as I value and desire the sensational things of my thirdself, then I will accept the truths of the characters within it. I will accept that the truth is something discovered by and known to certain people. For example, if I value my iPhone, then I will submit to the authority of the thirdself experts who have assembled it. If I seek funding for my company, then I will respect the authorities who can help me raise money. If I value air and space travel, then I will recognize and accept the authority of those thirdself scientists who have either invented or mastered these technologies.

However, if I do not see value in my iPhone, funding for a company, or air and space travel, then do these authorities exist? If I am not looking for them because I do not value these thirdself features (i.e., my iPhone, startup funding, air and space travel), do these authorities even exist? I will simply not manifest them in the same way I do not manifest the magnified levels of detail I might find by looking through a microscope. Are those authorities there, even if I do not observe them? I disengage: I withdraw from it. I do not need to designate an answer whether they do or do not exist. In other words, who cares? I certainly don’t. And that’s where I leave it.

These are impotent truths. The truth I seek is not of my thirdself, or even my secondself. The truth I seek is of my firstself. It is something that requires neither study, learning, or the expertise of people. The truth I seek that will set me free is something I directly experience the same as I would a sensation or a revelation. Whereas the truths of men are distant, dry, abstract, and acquired only after mental toil, the truth of all truths that I seek is direct, sensational, and known without evidence. The truth itself is the only evidence I need of it.

In other words, the truth I seek is potent, innately, and directly sensorial, whereas the impotent truth of men is abstract and mental. The impotent truth is a machination of my secondself mind; a swirling eddy that draws me away from my firstself into the depths of my second and thirdselves. The impotent truths point me away from what I seek, toward worthless things disguised as treasure. Potency is the only measure of truth. That which has it will lead me Home, where I am free. And that which does not have it will lead me deeper into this hell I awaken into.