My two selves

My existence is an oscillation between two selves. I awaken into my familiar self of time, a painful condition spent searching for release from itself. And I asleepen into the peaceful self of now I desire to return to.

The two states coexist. I experience my familiar self of time as an outer environment of sensations, and an inner environment of thoughts and feelings. My self of now encloses these in a timeless, boundless plane of peace I see when I close my eyes and when I sleep.

I do not know why I am trapped in this cycle, but I do know that my familiar self wants to abolish itself and return to my self of now. To return, I believe that I must disengage from the desires of my self of time which entrap me here.

As I disengage, the disjointed transition between my self of now and self of time will vanish and I will experience a continuous awareness between both until I awaken no more.

Reason is a trap