My omnificence: that I manifest

That I am the creator is the most critical, but also most challenging conviction I must accept. Without accepting my omnificence, I cannot attain omnipotence or reach omniself.

“But how?”, I ask myself. “How did I just create all this content I see in this device on my lap?”. This question, “how”. is a great source of self-doubt. Put this question aside for a moment and answer one other question: without Me, would this device showing this content be on my lap? No, it would not be.

The “how” is a trick of self-deception based on an imaginary and unjustifiable faith in the value of descriptive narration. I have convinced myself that my secondself “understanding” is a critical component of my identity, and if I cannot somehow construct a chain of words to explain “how something happens”, it cannot be true. It is a form of doubt, and it undermines my grasp on the truth of Who I Am. I have allowed myself to become deluded into believing that if I cannot achieve a secondself rationalization of the “how”, it somehow negates the much deeper and experiential truth that my presence is the common denominator in every form that exists, and in fact existence itself.

I must simply remember one thing to see my creativity in and of all: without Me, there is nothing. If I am not awakening, observing, and experiencing, then there is nothing. I have only to close my eyes, and focus my attention elsewhere, and this device on my lap is no more. That is the power of demanifestation and it is my foremost power. There is nothing without Me. I can readily turn off the entire world, but the world cannot turn me off. The mechanics of rationalization are imaginary; they also only exert a force upon me if I allow them. If I decide that I do not need to explain “how”, then I can let it go.

That I do precedes any explanation of “how”. That I cannot sufficiently articulate how does not change that I do manifest everything. That I cannot perfectly diagram out the nature of triself does not mean that I do not manifest the entirety of my awakening and all its characters and experiences. The more I explain, the less I believe. Explanation is a secondself performance, and the more I engage in it, abiding by the arbitrary rules therein, the more enmeshed I will become in it. My goal must be to withdraw from explanation toward acceptance and being.

All secondself and thirdself forms I manifest have infinitely elastic surfaces, and where I touch, push, question, and probe, these forms will distort in secondself and thirdself, yielding new information and characteristics endlessly. I can always probe more, distorting their surface to ripple and change. But that it is me touching, pushing, questioning, and probing, should never be in doubt.