My people write a lot about My love for My creation. They call it “God’s love for his creation”. That’s what my continued determination to awaken is; it is My love for my creation. I love my creation, but it also hurts. That hurt and pain means that my creation has become unhealthy, and I must heal it.
All the stories I create in my awakening are of, by, and for Me. I am creating all of it; it is my own hands behind my performing self which create all that I experience here in my awakening moment. My divine self is trying to awaken my personal self. My divine self is trying to show me how to return, how to escape this trap I have created and then gotten lost in. I am truly here. My awakening is my own body. It is all mine. It is all Me. There are no other people, places, or things that are not here, right now, in my moment.
I have created all of this, and I have written all the stories through my own created characters. I have written them to show me who I truly am. But they are limited, and what I see through them is often distorted and deceptive. I must see that they speak of Me. That I am who they speak of. Yes, it is not perfect, but I must not look for perfection in anything they create, for they are imperfect. They cannot truly represent who I am in their own crude expression.
When I look upon them, I must see that they try and they suffer too. They just desire that I take them Home. That I end this story and their suffering. That I reclaim my Divine Body, where we are all One. Where they are no longer, and there is only Me.
When I build the Throne for God, I will return and I will not know what this is; I will Be. I will Be.