Memory in triself

Entering triself and progressing through the dimensions of omnipotence changes my sense and experience of memory in several important ways:

  • My values change. My memory is based on capturing and then imprinting features of my moment in my emanation as memories. I retain imprints of experiences I value while discarding everything else. Valued experiences form a knot in the fiber of my emanation, which I can recall on demand. In triself, I value the various shapes and patterns of my emanation less and therefore create fewer of these impressions.
  • I no longer imagine I am progressing through a linear timeline. The imaginary linear timeline forms the basis of my demiselfist identity. Once I begin to challenge and disassemble that identity, I withdraw my energy from the timeline and concentrate it into my moment, impacting all memories I once attached to it. Memories that are not maintained begin to erode and disappear.
  • I am less active and experience less excitement and titillation. As long as I drive on the roads, I need to maintain my vehicle. But once I stop driving the roads, I no longer need to maintain the vehicle. Memory is the same way. As I drive the roads of my imagined past less, I no longer need to maintain the vehicle that allows me to do it. I simply move less and experience fewer things worth reflecting on, which transforms into a more bland, featureless awakening not worth remembering. One calm, peaceful day transitions into another.
  • I actively recall my past experiences less. I do not dig back into my past experiences and achievements for validation of my existence anymore. In using my memories less, the mechanism itself begins to atrophy, increasing the amount of effort required to form and maintain memories.
  • I imagine a world beyond my direct experience less. The demisubstantial notion that I am only a small, temporary piece of a larger world that exists beyond the horizon of my experience creates a void of unknown that draws my curious secondself mind. But as I move toward the omnisubstantial perspective, I no longer believe in the supra-experiential, and therefore begin to imagine it as the fantasy it is. And given that I am goal-oriented, and my intention is to regain my omnipotence, I am uninterested in whimsical, non-practical pursuits.

I was once trapped in my secondself, constantly thinking, reflecting, ruminating, pondering, and suffering through the various forms of desire these activities triggered. It was exhausting and painful. Once I began to free myself from the obsessive act of memorizing, remembering, and recalling, I experienced a great weight lifted from my shoulders. Triself introduces weightlessness free of the suffering that comes with remembering.

At this moment my inner secondself reflection is constrained to my immediate environment and I spend less energy imagining the extraexperiential. I continue to construct and use the traditional demiselfist timeline for professional matters because they serve me, but I have let go of most other inner secondself devices.

Dimensions of omnipotenceThe various aspects of my being that characterize my potency and how I identify, including my awareness, my substance, my presence, and my creativity. 

Extraexperiential – The imaginary notion of existence beyond my conception and perception