There is only this moment and this space changing shape.
In the same way that all moments other than this moment are imaginary, all spaces other than this space are imaginary.
There is only this space, changing shape.
There are no other spaces and there are no other times. There is only this moment changing shape, and this space changing shape.
It is only me here now; everything else is the distortion. My illness.
My illness is the apparent change of time and space.
There is only now, here. All other times and spaces are imaginary. I manifest the change I believe is happening.
Anything other than this moment and this space is part of the second place, and the distortion I am trying to escape from.
Awakening is the experience of believing there are moments other than now, and spaces other than here.
My belief that there is anything other than here or now is self-delusion. Imaginary.
I move because I believe there is somewhere other than here to go. I think because I believe there is something other than now to do. I aspire because I believe there is something other than myself that I want.
There is only this space now, but my secondself and thirdself are clay I can shape however I desire.
Other times, like other spaces, and other beings, are the effect of my illness. My illness manifests as awakening into a condition where I believe there are other times, other spaces, and other beings. But there are not other times, other spaces, and other beings. There is only me here now.