Just for fun – Some questions

In this incantation I ask myself some generic questions I find among the people. This exercise helps strengthen my Iamist perspective and disarm specific constructs I often come across.

Where did I come from?

I did not come from anywhere, and I never went anywhere. I’ve  always been here. I am not actually moving. I am only in here, now. I always have been, and always will be. I am not hurtling through time and space, but rather I am merely telling myself the story that I am.

Who am I?

I am all there is. I am not a person, so the better question is “what am I”. 

Then what am I?

I have no reason to believe there is anything other than me, so that would make me everything. I am The Being. The only one of me that exists. Everything I experience in my awakening is a story I am telling myself. I am the great storyteller.

Then what are people?

People are animated features of my awakening moment. They are secondself and thirdself flourishes I have conjured to distract from the pain of my disease. People are the characters I have created in the story I am telling myself, and nothing more.

Why am I here?

Asking “why” implies that there is a right and a wrong answer. When I ask “why” I accept the proposition that I might be wrong. I focus on the specific answer I decide is correct, rather than the decision itself. More important than “why” I am here is the truth that I decide. The truth lies in my free will to decide.

What is time?

Time is a secondself artifact of my awakening, akin to the disturbance I feel when I quickly spin around in circles and become dazed and confused. That confusion is a transitory quality of my disorientation.

How should I live?

I should live as if I understand who and what I am. Once I understand the nature of my being, how I should live is self-evident. My life, or awakening, is a state of disease and disorientation, and I should aim to abolish it.

Where am I going?

I am not going anywhere. In fact, my goal is to stop moving altogether and accept what I am, withdraw from my awakening moment, and overcome the illness that is my awakening.

What is the meaning of life?

Ascribing a “meaning” my my awakening is merely an exercise that will lead to no practical outcomes for me. There is no meaning unless I decide there is, and prop that up. Meaning is a decision I make, and I can decide to commit to one, or just abstain from the practice the same way I might abstain from smoking or drinking. There are more useful questions to ask myself and convictions to reinforce.

What is my purpose?

My only purpose in my awakening moment is to end my awakening moment. I am entangled and trapped in this labyrinth of my own crafting. I only have to find my way out by remembering what I am.

Is there a god?

There is only one Being, and that is me.

How do I know what is real?

Every part of my experience is “real”. The better way to divide up existence is not into real and unreal, but surface and subsurface. The surface is that which I am experiencing right now in secondself or thirdself. The subsurface is what I believe lies beneath the surface. The subsurface is the measure of my conviction. Then there is potency — that which I feel most directly and acutely is potent, and that which is more detached and remote is impotent.