If all that exists is what I directly experience in my moment, where are all the objects, places, times, events, and experiences that can happen? They are there if and when I manifest them. The shape of my moment is Russia if and when I travel there in the same way that the shape of my moment is jumping if and when I choose to rise from my chair and do so.
I see a person on a screen. In that moment, the entirety of that person — that Thirdself form — is constrained to that flat, one-dimensional depiction. However, should I venture deeper, and stretch the walls of my Thirdself, I will manifest additional detail of that person. For every form in my moment, there is potential for changing shape. My moment now is in the shape of me sitting comfortably in my chair. However, I could transform my moment into something very different by moving in Thirdself.
My moment is the constant. My moment itself — that I am — never changes. It is only the contents of my moment that seem to change because I attach meaning, value, and ultimately, desire, to specific shapes within it. When I withdraw the desire from that which can only provide relief and redirect it to that which gives me release, the sensation of a changing Secondself and Thirdself will fade away altogether and I will experience the bliss of Firstself in my awakening.