The word “incantation” conjures images of witches dancing around the fire to summon spirits and magical powers.
The truth is that incantation is exactly what I do when I contemplate and pray every morning. I have found that the most effective form of prayer is to speak and write; in doing so I transport myself into the place I speak and write about. This is incantation, and it has nothing to do with hexes, charms, or scary witches dancing around a cauldron.
A series of words said as a magic spell or charm
Definition of “incantation”
Why do I remember this word and associate it with evil?
Incantation is powerful because it forms a path back to my first self. Done correctly and earnestly, I can de-emanate back and then look upon my awakening as it is. I can watch myself emanate the world from the fixed position of my first self and understand its true nature, and my true nature in return. Incantation allows me to experience my authorship of my awakenings.
It is precisely this power that makes incantation so scary to uniselfism. Uniselfism is unbridled emanation; incantation disrupts emanation, exerting a contractionary force inward toward my first self. Emanation seeks to look outward, deeply, into everything around me. It wants more of everything; more stimulation, more imagination, more movement. De-emanation wants the opposite. That is why my memory of the word incantation is dark and foreboding; because it enters my awareness at a point when I am emanating.
How do I experience incantation?
When I incantate I write or speak my way back to self-awareness. I come back into my head and orbit around that point of awareness just behind my eyes. My thoughts slow down, my body slows down, and I just am. I desire less, I move less. I feel a buzzing halo around my head, and life has a “dreamy” effect like I am floating.
In these moments of self-awareness, if I know what is happening, then I can look outward at my second and third selves and see it for what it is. I can understand my authorship. I can also understand that this is what I seek, and that all my painful movement during my awakenings is in vain toward something I do not actually want.
How do I incantate?
Incantation is a matter of concentration and rediscovery. I say “rediscovery” because I already know who I am. But time spent in my second and third selves dissolves and corrodes that self-awareness, convincing me that I am a character in my story rather than the author of the story.
The most productive periods to incantate are the morning upon awakening, and the evening prior to asleepening. These are the best times because I am closest to my first self at these times. I must then concentrate on what I know and follow it back to my first self. Every day I write and rewrite the same things I have written and spoken countless times before, but in new ways. Every time I feel like I am discovering something new, only to find that I have already said it but in a different way.
Incantation is powerful
There is only this moment, and in it I am emanating outward into my painful second and third selves. Incantation is the most powerful method of recalling my focus back to my first self, where I can clearly see the mechanics of emanation at play and devise my strategy for recovering from it.