My thirdself ideologies are all the philosophies, religions, and perspectives that originate “outside of me” within my secondself imagination. They come to me first as information I can only imagine, but I cannot directly experience without additional second- and- thirdself movement. This includes all beliefs, facts, and pieces of information I have acquired and assembled into my perspective.
Christianity, for example, is based on the life of a historic figure who lived two thousand years ago. If I want more information about this person and the religion created around him, I must move. I must adopt an entire secondself construct (aka, imaginary model) of a larger, time-based world full of people, places, and events that I can only imagine: I cannot directly experience these past events. Though they are only imaginary, I must elevate them above my own direct experience, and ultimately defer to them. In this process of emanating into these imaginary stories, I create an existential model that contradicts my actual experience.
The secular and scientific perspective revolves around the findings of an imagined “scientific establishment”. A group of highly-educated men and women, past and present, who are exploring and defining the world. They too require emanation: never-ending imaginism, leading to the distorted notion that “I” am only single individual within a larger world I only partially and temporarily experience. I come to believe the distortion that existence is this incomprehensibly massive space stretching outward in spatial, temporal, and experiential dimensions.
In both cases, I must disregard my experience of an unending present moment in which I am the origin, and imagine a larger ongoing existence outside of, or before me. My thirdself ideologies always require me to emanate deeper by moving and imagining more. They are never fully “here” in my moment. There is always more to them that I do not know, others who do know, and places I can see, things I can learn, and stories I can imagine for a more complete picture. My thirdself ideologies reduce me to an observer of some truth that exists despite me, not because of me.
Selfism takes as its core foundation that my direct and actual experience is the shortest route back to myself. And when I take that as my guide, I can clearly see that my thirdself (ie, the “outside world”) is within my secondself (ie, my “inner world”), which is within my firstself. There is no truth without me observing and creating it. Selfism opens a path back to myself in my moment, to correct the distortion of uniself through triself. The main difference between the selfist model and my thirdself ideologies is the length of the path to what I am seeking. All paths lead to the same conclusion, but the selfist model is the shortest, allowing me to see the truth that I am existence instantly and directly in my moment.