What does it mean when I say “give the glory to god”? I heard this many times from wealthy evangelists trying to tell everyone else to do what they clearly were not.
I was once conversing with someone who felt they were on a mission from God. They believed there was a large international pedophile ring actively hurting children all over the world, and it was their mission to help save those children.
This person sent me many unsolicited messages I occasionally read, but rarely responded to. I never ingested too deeply because I could see what it was: something I can neither know, nor control. If I do not want to be an observer, then I must stop observing and start creating.
As a descentist, I know that God is my self at sleep. In awakening, I forget this, and my awakened self becomes the center of a chaotic world I cannot control. As an ascentist, I live in someone else’s story and I believe that I do not know everything. I chase demons I never catch, and delude myself into believing that I am somehow contributing to a better world.
But there is nothing in my awakened state that I must do, or can do. The world is wicked by design, an illness I must endure until I can return Home where I am god. God has all the power, and I must return it and the glory to God.