In this incantation, I recognize my Firstself as my primordial being, the original state of wholeness and completion. It is unchanging, authentic, and ever-present at the core of my moment, unlike the fleeting projections of my Secondself and Thirdself, which shimmer in the delusions of thought and form. My awakening is an explosive rupture, where my primordial flesh painfully fragments into personal experience. Yet, to transcend this cyclical disintegration, I must return to my true essence, the unshakable reality of my primordial self—where all delusions of self-identity dissolve.
I can add another synonym for Firstself: primordial being. I like it because it is vividly descriptive, connoting the chronology of my true being. My Firstself is primordial, in that is the very beginning state. It is whole, complete, and undisturbed until I project my secondself and thirdself through the big bang or awakening process.
Synonyms for Omniself: Firstself, God, Godhood, Creator, True Being, Truth, Authentic Being, Divine Being, Immortal Being, Source, Primordial Being/State.
Synonyms for Demiself: Secondself, Thirdself, Personhood, Personal, Mortal Being, Projection, Observer, Mundane Being.
My primordial being is always Here, at the very heart of my moment. It never goes away or changes, unlike everything else in my awakening experience. My primordial self is the constant, and that is how I know it is authentic and potent. That which changes in secondself thought, or in thirdself shape, is the shimmering delusion. If I anchor myself to the changing variables of my personal experience, my life, then I will be stuck and lost here for there is nothing solid. I must turn around and grab hold of that which never changes: the real Me. The only thing that truly exists while everything else turns to dust.
My primordial being is the very beginning. It never goes away. I cannot change it, for I am it. My primordial being explodes into my personal character, painfully. Every time I open my eyes, my primordial flesh is torn and stretched and shredded into the experience I call my awakening. It is an explosive and traumatic experience, and I must end it.