There is a palpable gravity and reverence I often accord to certain people, ideas, and concepts. For example, when I think about or consume content about the Bible or some other revered tradition or act by a respected person, I willingly humble myself before it. I accept that this acclaimed ideology or act by a virtuous person, is something outside of and beyond me. Seeing people venerate it reinforces the sense of gravity I accept, and it makes me seems and feel small. I think to myself: “If people speak so highly of something that it is not me, it must be greater than me”.
This is false gravity because there is nothing greater than me. There is nothing that I can write on paper that is greater than me, its Author. There is nothing I can mold out of clay that is greater than me, it’s Sculptor. I cannot be small compared to anything I have painted. I cannot be less than anything I have written. There are no rules within this cave of my own creation that bind me. There are no rules or laws in this story that truly bind me, because I have created them all. There is nothing here that demands I humble myself, for I am the creator of it all.
If it is in Thirdself, then it has infinitely less value than anything in Secondself, and everything in Firstself. The further from Firstself, the less value it intrinsically possesses. Everything I see in Thirdself is something I have created, and I should never feel in awe of my own creation. If I can step back, and detach from the character mask I wear, I would see the true nature of all this that I have created.