Update 5.2.2022 – With the realization that I am playing, it no longer makes sense to “discourse with ascentists”. Rather than create performances with the puppets, I need to focus on remembering that I am playing, but it is time to let go and move on. Put down the toys, and grow up; be who I am.
Update 2.20.2022 – I have started another post Triself conventions where I outline the conventions of triselfism in a more organized manner. It includes, but expands upon the methods and approaches detailed in this post.
Once people of my third self learn that I am a ‘descentist’, they will respond with curiosity, skepticism, mockery, or even contempt. I removed myself early from familiar forms who might question or engage me, however in certain situations, I might encounter those who hold a genuine curiosity.
There are very few circumstances in which I will discourse with an ascentist about my beliefs, but under no conditions will I engage a person who is openly hostile or aggressive toward my ideology. I will remove myself from any situation in which I am expected to defend my beliefs.
On occasion, someone might ask me what I believe, presenting an opportunity to share my descentist beliefs. Given that most such questions are formalities and do not indicate serious interest, I will exercise restraint in sharing so as to avoid an unwanted exchange. Someone might express curiosity and ask to learn more, but I am mindful not to attempt persuasion for that can only draw me outward and away from the peace of my first self.
If I do engage, ascentists will often speak of hypothetical situations to further their argument, or defer to outside authorities. I might attempt to explain why I cannot admit such imaginism into the dialogue. If the ascentist accepts the rule that I am unwilling to discourse on topics of which I know nothing, then I might proceed further. If not, then I will politely but promptly end the conversation.
Ascentists readily accept their own ignorance on a wide range of topics, and willingly defer to external authorities and experts. They frequently think about, consider, and discuss people they do not know, events they have never experienced, and knowledge they cannot possibly ascertain. They assume that everyone they interact with shares these same values, beliefs, and constraints.
The key to engaging with non-descentists on the topic of descentism is identifying what is and is not essential, and steering the conversation toward the essential, and ending it when I can no longer avoid the inessential. If possible, I might try to explain my reasoning to an ascentist as long as there is good-natured interest.
Such an exercise can be beneficial to my own conviction as I question myself and find new ways of proclaiming and reinforcing my beliefs. But descentism does not need crusaders; its truth is self-evident once I have reached the first conclusion that what I want is not out here.