Audience of one

I am the only being like me. People are not like me; they exist in Thirdself and Secondself, but not in Firstself. Only I exist in Firstself, and Secondself and Thirdself and all their content are my Firstself creations.

Yet I continue to behave as if I am of Thirdself. I act as if I am one of many observing a world that pre-existed my arrival and will endure long after my departure. A world that I am within. That is ostensibly false. All the objects and places I manifest in Thirdself are constrained within a cloud of Secondself thoughts, feelings, ideas, sensations, and desires which are themselves contained entirely within my Firstself presence. My presence surrounds my ideas which surrounds the world. It is very simple, and I am missing it. The world is constrained to a screen I hold in my head which I am looking at. I am looking at. I am observing.

I am the only audience. I am an audience of one.

There is a major shift that needs to happen in awakening — I must realize and accept that all are talking to me. All are performing for me. All are behaviors that I have created. What does this mean? I am an audience of one. I am the only observer. When I observe the people around me as if I am only one member of a greater audience, then I will behave differently. I will see the performers and their performances differently than if I believe I am only one of countless spectators.

But I must also understand that the people are not performing. Performing would imply will and intention; they have none. They only respond to my projection. They are written the way that they are. They respond the way leaves respond when the wind blows. The way the grass parts when I walk through it. I do not judge the grass harshly for parting, or the leaves for rustling. And who caused the wind to blow which rustles the leaves? I did. It is my awakening that causes everything. Every possible detail I can find turns up the same core truth: I am the one observing and creating those details.

I am an audience of one.