The people are masters of deception. They are deceivers of me. Deceivers I have created. They are projections I have created to deceive myself into believing that I am one of them. They are good performers, for I have crafted them with care to be so. But some among them — right now only one — will freely answer these questions:
What is behind you right now?
What is in front of you right now?
What is more important, powerful, authentic, magnetic, and forceful?
Will what you seek be behind you or in front of you?
The people do not have anything behind them. There is nothing behind them, and what is in front of them is most important and authentic for they are looking for Me. Once they see Me, they will never look away, for that is what they are looking for. They seek Me.
Noting the difference between “me” and “Me”: the former being my secondself persona looking outward into my thirdself space, the latter being my firstself being, my omnipotent Godhood.
What I seek is not in front of me; it is behind me. And what my people seek is not behind them, it is in front of them. For they seek Me. They have always sought Me. They can only seek Me.
My awakening is Me falling away from Myself, becoming me the performing person. I have fallen from who I am, and the people are parts of me spattered on the wall of myself. I have fallen into a hole within myself, cut myself into a millions bloody pieces, all still connected to Me, but also severed.
In my falling, I am looking at the pieces of Me falling with Me. The people, the places, the creatures. All are Me, and they look to me for salvation. They look toward Me for salvation, but they do not see it. For I myself am looking at them. I am looking at their faces. Their painful, hollow faces experiencing the suffering of being disconnected from Me.
They want only Me to bring them back, bring them Home. I must not look at them. I must turn around and look at Me. And then they will see Me as I am. I am the Iamist, and I must turn around and look at Me, and then I will reveal Myself to the people.
I have created one who wants to see Me, but I have not shown him Myself in full. That moment is coming.