Ascentist optimism

There are many types of ascentism, but they all share one thing in common: they accept that reality is being shared by many others. That this experience I am having is being had by others, and that this world I am in is large and encompassing. The collective “we” are experiencing the inside of this world.

Naturally then, all pain we feel must have a worldly source and solution. So in ascentism, I look to the world for the peace I want. Many religions look forward to the return of a messiah, savior, or collective enlightenment. Social ideologies look forward to the return to power of a benign political power. Spiritualists talk about a great awakening when the earth will become a paradise.

These are all forms of ascentist optimism. They speak to our yearning for peace by imagining solutions from the world we believe is true and being experienced by others. But as a descentist, I know that I can experience the entirety of existence right now. There are two places: the painful place where I write this piece, and the peaceful place I want to be. The peaceful place is not out here, and never will be. It is there.