1:26am… I just had a major realization. In the past I have often recalled the time I was walking home from high-school one day in Hazel Dell. This voice inside of me said that one day I would know everything about everything at any point in time. I was walking home from Columbia River HS… Continue reading December 15, 2019
Category: Uncategorized
November 17, 2019, Manavgat, Turkey
I can almost feel the freedom of not caring at all. I’m sitting here in Manavgat, just had a nice meal of lamb and salad, and I just don’t care. Antinatalism resonates, though with different validations. I do not want to procreate for it is just the perpetuation of suffering. The suffering is derived from… Continue reading November 17, 2019, Manavgat, Turkey
November 11, 2019
Death is the goal. Life is the journey toward death. I can directly communicate with the Essential by suspending the Personal layers. As I tunnel down through the layers I can experience the Essential. The essential is a big, open eye viewing everything. Once you know what it is you can clearly see that it… Continue reading November 11, 2019
October 15, 2019, Sethan, Himachal Pradesh
Two other characteristics of people like me: I am envious of people who are couragous enough to commit suicide. I have had and indulged the thought that if I was given the choice to die right now without any further action I would say yes without hesitation. I know what life is and I’m trapped… Continue reading October 15, 2019, Sethan, Himachal Pradesh
October 8, 2019, Greater Noida
I feel like this description accurately captures what I’ve been trying to say: there is the Observer, and the Person (Marc). Is the Observer “god”? I’m not ready to commit to that, but I think that is the direction. The Observer is the perspective that precdes the Person — it has been there since my… Continue reading October 8, 2019, Greater Noida
October 7, 2019, Greater Noida
Everything is motion. There’s a fragile relationship between the motion of my existence and the meaning I attribute to it. On the one hand, it is all tightly bound together – there are events unfolding in chronological succession with specific meaning. A “life” is happening with attributes with names and agreements. That life, succinctly, is… Continue reading October 7, 2019, Greater Noida
September 21, 2019, Flight Delhi to Kuwait
Watching a movie and it said – “We don’t just live in the universe, the universe lives in us”. I like that and it really hits at my philosophy and reminds me of the crossed aggregations I used to draw. We really are just existing at the intersection of all of these dimensions – and… Continue reading September 21, 2019, Flight Delhi to Kuwait
Journal from April 18, 2002
4/18/02 When we distinguish left from right, right from left, up from down, good from bd, we are really only identifying a single aspect of the reality in one moment. A moment is artificial, observed by us but not existing anywhere else but our mind. What we don’t realize is that up will become down,… Continue reading Journal from April 18, 2002