
Like everyone else, I have always believed that I am an observer of a larger external world that existed before me and will persist long after I am gone. Or, as one famous scientist wrote: “each of us is a tiny being, permitted to ride on the outermost skin of one of the smaller planets… Continue reading Insignificance

Revelations of IAGWIS

Descentism invites three primary revelations: Nature of God. Descentism replaces the abstract God construct with my direct experience, drawing a straight line between it and my familiar self. Orientation. Descentism gives me something certain and solid to anchor to and a direction to go in. I want God. I know where He is. And with… Continue reading Revelations of IAGWIS

Ideology as a way home

One of the beliefs that keeps me lost is that there is a right and wrong answer to every question, and the truth I seek lies at the end of a series of questions I ask. But the truth I seek is not an answer, nor does it arise from a question. It does not… Continue reading Ideology as a way home

Give the glory to god

What does it mean when I say “give the glory to god”? I heard this many times from wealthy evangelists trying to tell everyone else to do what they clearly were not. I was once conversing with someone who felt they were on a mission from God. They believed there was a large international pedophile… Continue reading Give the glory to god

What I know

April 28, 2021 The last WIK was about 6 weeks ago on March 15. There is only one story: I am trapped in a series of awakenings in the asleepening. My only purpose is to end the awakenings and return to the asleepening. The path emerges as I reorient to the Source Perspective by confronting… Continue reading What I know

The desire for reason

Why am I here? Why does it hurt? What is my purpose? What is my calling? What is my reason for being? Why? I have asked ‘why’ my entire life. I have read books and listened to people, but ultimately I decided that no one actually knows the answer to any of these questions. When… Continue reading The desire for reason

My pain

I have always desired something so completely it drove my every movement. I sensed it was just beneath the surface of my familiar life; that I could reach out and touch it if I could see it. Though it was hidden from view, I somehow knew it was inevitable. In my earliest years ‘it’ was… Continue reading My pain

I know everything

I was 16 when I had a revelation: I will know everything about everything. I rushed home to write that down and imagine what it meant.  In my adolescent mind, “knowing everything about everything” offered a fascinating prospect. But there was a problem: I was just one unremarkable person out of billions. How could I possibly… Continue reading I know everything