My existential primitives

My true nature is hidden behind misunderstandings and false assumptions that collectively form my conviction. I can see the outlines of my true nature by re-examining some of the conditions of my existence when I awaken. Everything I think I know is based on ideas I do not or cannot directly know. My traditional worldview… Continue reading My existential primitives

My inessential desires

In descentism I imagine my existence as an oscillation between two states: my first state I characterize as sleep, and my second state I characterize as waking. In my first state I am undivided and at peace. However, when the illness of awakening recurs, I experience a sequence of desire that ebbs and flows with… Continue reading My inessential desires

My essential desire

In descentism, the concept of “desire” includes the full range of my needs and wants. Needs are not separate from wants; they just occupy different ends of the same spectrum. I might note that a need is a requirement for my physical survival, while a want is not. But that distinction loses its significance with… Continue reading My essential desire

The first principle of descent

The first principle of descent is to conceive and perceive my existence as it is, free from the imagined forms and performances that I have accumulated over years of awakenings. My inner projection is a fully malleable construct built of suppositional, imaginary forms and performances. Years of “education” have populated this constellation with knowledge, ideas,… Continue reading The first principle of descent

My second shape, visualized

I can plot my second place on a standard bell curve. The defining aspect of my second place experience is my awareness of who I am, which I express as “conviction”. My conviction is a spectrum ranging from full awareness and being who I am, to complete ignorance of the same and being lost. I… Continue reading My second shape, visualized

Demanifestation vs disengagement

Upon starting my descent, I made general use of the concept of “disengagement”. In all of my prayers and contemplations I acclaimed the need to “disengage” by withdrawing and detaching from second place forms and performances. However, “disengagement” is the incorrect characterization of the descentist form of withdrawal. This concept rested on the notion that… Continue reading Demanifestation vs disengagement

What I know

October 6, 2021 I am the essential. I am elastic like clay. I have two shapes. My first shape is shapeless, and the place I awaken from. My second shape is the place I awaken into, and is divided into inner and outer forms. I manifest this second shape through an interplay of inner movement… Continue reading What I know

The two places

Through probing, I discover that this unmoving point behind my eyes at the intersection of my thoughts, feelings, and perceptions is actually a much larger environment enclosing the familiar second place. I am not a person within a world, but a place within a larger place. I am experiencing the second place within the first… Continue reading The two places