The desire constant

As a uniselfist, I conceptualize desire as a succession of separate, definable things and experiences I want or need. I have immediate physical desires, and long-term experiential desires. Some desires I indulge, and others I suppress. The triselfist concept of desire is very different. Rather than focus on the myriad changing objects of my desire,… Continue reading The desire constant

Treating emanation

In this post I have introduced some changes to terms I use. Where I previously used the word “ascend”, I will now interchangeably use “emanate” and “emanation”. And where I previously used the word “descend”, I will now interchangeably now use “de-emanate” and “de-emanation”. These terms are more precise. More detail can be found on… Continue reading Treating emanation

Introducing the selfist model

My Expression is the contemplation and articulation of the something I desire. While thoughts and words can and do lead me deeper into darkness, they can also illuminate the way out. My lifelong search for my Expression is my search for the path to the something. My Expression has changed many times. Entire sections have… Continue reading Introducing the selfist model

What I know

February 27, 2022 I know that I am trapped somewhere I do not what to be. I know that this captivity begins when I awaken, and ends when I asleepen. I know that what I seek is not within my awakenings, but before and after them, in what I would call my asleepening. I know… Continue reading What I know

The selfist progression

I know that I am trapped somewhere I do not what to be. I know that this captivity begins when I awaken, and ends when I asleepen. I know that what I seek is not within my awakenings, but before and after them, in what I would call my asleepening. I know that my awakenings… Continue reading The selfist progression

The awareness extrusion

Awareness is the existential atom of my second and third selves. It is the fluidic substance that underlies everything in my awakened existence. Without awareness of an inner or outer form, that form is not. It is my awareness that creates. At any moment, I have a fixed amount of awareness, and I can focus… Continue reading The awareness extrusion

My first belief

The first belief I form every time I awaken into this body in this world of sensations is that I exist here. My decision to believe this is instantaneous, as is my forgetting that I made it. But I do make this decision every single awakening. It is the moment I detach from who I… Continue reading My first belief

Triself conventions

This expands upon a post I wrote earlier, Discourse with ascentists. There are certain conventions in speech, thought, and interaction that undermine my triselfist progress. In this evolving post I will enumerate these from the perspective that my core, essential objective at all moments is release. To that end, these conventions assist me in harnessing… Continue reading Triself conventions

God is a variable

What is God? One year ago in February 2021 I wrote the following: “God” is a construct to explain the nature of our existence. We are here, but we don’t know where or why. God is the catch-all; he’s the unknown variable that accounts for all of the missing parts in our formula. I also… Continue reading God is a variable