I am existence; that is where my understanding begins. When I move inwardly by thinking, desiring, and sensing, and outwardly by walking, reaching, running, looking, and touching, I create. I create the detail I once pointed to as evidence of a reality independent of me: See all there is, stretching in every direction imaginable and… Continue reading Movement is creation
Category: Uncategorized
Overcoming dualism
Dualism is the idea that my mind and body are separate. That the concepts of my inner environment and the percepts of the outer world are distinct phenomena. It contends that the concepts of my inner world are my own and contained within me, but the percepts of the outer world — the people, places,… Continue reading Overcoming dualism
Uniselfism is a worldview in which I imagine I am one of countless people temporarily experiencing an insignificant fraction of an incomprehensibly massive universe. As a uniselfist I constantly remind myself that there are other people who have, are, and will experience things that I have, am not, and will not. The essence of triselfism… Continue reading Triselfism
Inner dialogue, continued
This is a continuation of Conversations with an ascentist. … April 2, 2022 Uniselfist – What is the nature of existence? Triselfist – Existence is whatever I decide it is. If I decide that it is mystical and arcane, and I will never understand it until I die, then that is exactly what it is.… Continue reading Inner dialogue, continued
I am the audience
One of the most persistent expressions of my second self is the belief that I am part of a larger global audience watching the events of the world unfold. As I watch a popular video online, I imagine there are countless others just like me watching the same. Experiencing, reacting. I imagine I am just… Continue reading I am the audience
The lost author
As I write this now, I am writing the story of existence. The totality of existence is the story I write every day. When I began writing the story I knew it was imaginary, and that I alone controlled all the characters and events. I closed the book at night, and reopened it again in… Continue reading The lost author
The word “incantation” conjures images of witches dancing around the fire to summon spirits and magical powers. The truth is that incantation is exactly what I do when I contemplate and pray every morning. I have found that the most effective form of prayer is to speak and write; in doing so I transport myself… Continue reading Incantation
The changing symbol of my existence
When I first designed a graphic to represent my descent, I had already long been planting meaningful phrases around my various environments. The move away from words to a graphic was meaningful because a symbol was more efficient at reminding me of my search. In 2005, I represented my existence with a single, simple circle.… Continue reading The changing symbol of my existence
The stages of emanation
What I am now calling “emanation” can be used interchangeably with the earlier terms “ascent” and “descent”. Emanation comprises both my ascending and descending experience. My entire life I have known I was missing something fundamental. This suspicion manifested as a constant source of anxiety and a desire to express that something. But the coercive… Continue reading The stages of emanation
Imaginism: the impulse to account for other experiences
Broadly, there are two types of experiences: my own, and all others. My own experiences originate directly within me and I recognize them as my own. All others are imaginary stories I tell myself that manifest as ideas and thoughts in my head. Right now at this moment, I am sitting in front of my… Continue reading Imaginism: the impulse to account for other experiences