I am what I am right now

In this incantation, I reflect on the acceptance of my current self, acknowledging that what I am in this moment is shaped by the experiences and choices of the present, without the burden of past or future expectations. I am not the sum of an imaginary past; I am entirely and completely timeless. There are… Continue reading I am what I am right now

My awakening as a field

In this incantation, I describe my awakening moment as a field that extends outward from my coreself into every dimension of my experience—spatial, temporal, emotional, and sensational. My coreself, the fixed center of my being, anchors the entire field as I simultaneously conceive and then perceive the world around me. My desire shapes the intensity… Continue reading My awakening as a field

Conceiving my anchorage

In this incantation, I envision my circular anchorage as a dark, silent space made of natural materials with only a bed, chair, and table. Two chambers, for sleep and awakening, are separated by a curtain, with a tunnel around the perimeter for quiet movement. A window may overlook the Himalayas, but it must be fully… Continue reading Conceiving my anchorage

My pain is a belief

In this incantation, I realize that my suffering is tied to my attachment to a specific identity and the value I place on things. As I detach from this persona and stop assigning value, I no longer create situations that lead to pain. Suffering diminishes when I release my beliefs in attachment and worth, revealing… Continue reading My pain is a belief

The perspective delusion

In this incantation, I realize that my perception of reality is distorted by layers of abstraction, creating a false sense of separateness and “otherness.” Rather than accepting the truth that I am the creator and central presence in all I experience, I project the illusion of a vast, independent world outside of myself. This sense… Continue reading The perspective delusion

How I awaken

In this incantation, I reflect on the tension between a state of pure, blissful existence and the emergence of desire that disrupts this perfection. Initially whole and content, I begin to experience a subtle yearning, which grows into an all-consuming force that pulls me away from my original blissful state. As my desires multiply, they… Continue reading How I awaken

Why I don’t accept outer religion or ideas

In this incantation, I declare that I am the sole creator of my reality, rejecting the illusion of external truths and the concept of “otherness.” I’ve always known that the stories and beliefs from outside sources, whether religious figures, historical narratives, or even my parents, are projections of my own consciousness. I now understand that… Continue reading Why I don’t accept outer religion or ideas