My awakening is literally a wound I must clean and disinfect so I can heal. Like any wound, I must wash out the debris, sterilize the environment, and give it time to repair itself. From the moment I awaken, my wound manifests as a secondself I experience as thoughts, feelings, and desires, and a thirdself… Continue reading Healing the wound of awakening
Category: Uncategorized
Potency is the measure of truth
There is a truth, and my decision about its nature is all that stands between my illness and recovery. The truth I choose will either imprison me, or set me free. I have only to decide: what is truth? If I believe that my thirdself is the source of reality then I believe that truth… Continue reading Potency is the measure of truth
The real timeline and repossession
I was correct when I began to order my journal entries in days and years since my own birth, rather than since the birth of Christ. Though they are all digitized, I cannot find them right now to reference, but I know I was up in the 10,000s for days, which would have made me… Continue reading The real timeline and repossession
How it will happen
I am dead. I know that I will not awaken again. I cannot open my eyes because I have no eyes. I hear a voice, my voice. It speaks words, but they aren’t really words, just very clear sentiments expressed feathersoft. Where am I? I ask myself. But I know the answer. I know where… Continue reading How it will happen
What I know
October 28, 2022 Who I am, and who I believe I am, are at odds, creating a rift I experience as an awakening into my life of desire. The selfist model is the path to rediscovering, believing, and being who I am by understanding and redirecting my desire. Who I believe I am I believe… Continue reading What I know
About healing
What is healing? I will be fully recovered when I no longer awaken. When I no longer exist under the mistaken belief that I am a person in a world. When I no longer desire or yearn or want or perform personhood. Is death and healing the same? Yes, so long as I define “death”… Continue reading About healing
The demiselfist constellation
Demiself is the condition of falsely believing that I am a single person born into a larger world filled with people like me but not me. It is a collection of beliefs that I am a part of a larger world that exceeds me, and there are many people that are not me, many times… Continue reading The demiselfist constellation
Core tenets of Iamism
What are the core tenets of Iamism? I’Am is the most powerful and complete utterance I can make. I form it in secondself, and utter it into thirdself, dispelling the I’Am’not. In my moment, I occupy a place on the selfist spectrum between demiself and omniself, personhood and godhood. In demiself, my existence divides into… Continue reading Core tenets of Iamism
The narrative of my moment
The most important part of the Iamist journey is deconstructing my demiselfist concept of personhood and restoring my omniself. In my moment I am always experiencing a narrative; an ongoing storyline of who I am, where I am, what I am, and what I want. I am a person I am in a foreign country… Continue reading The narrative of my moment
Withdrawing from thirdself narratives
I know that as long as I look, I will see. As long as I listen, I will hear. As long as I touch, I will feel. As long as I want, I will reach. But no longer. Once I stop looking, I will not see. Once I stop listening, I will not hear. Once… Continue reading Withdrawing from thirdself narratives