I must organize the last bit of my secondself and thirdself before I can exit. Withdrawing from the familiar and the larger imagined context is essential for me to accomplish my escape. When I look at what I am doing within the larger imagined context, it seems silly and trite: I am creating a digital… Continue reading Controlling to heal
Category: Uncategorized
Ending speech to heal
Many years ago I imagined myself not speaking in order to achieve some spiritual objective. Back then I imagined that every word I uttered somehow created conflict, and to end that conflict I must thus resist by not speaking. It made sense, and still makes sense. However, it was also simplistic and said without real… Continue reading Ending speech to heal
Observe and believe
I have established that when I move, either in my thirdself physical space or in my secondself mental space, I create ripples and distortions that obscure the truth of I’Am. When I am still and I observe, I can see who and what I am more clearly. I am always looking at myself, at my… Continue reading Observe and believe
Iamism and iamnotism
I’Am as a statement is the full and complete truth. It is the light at the end of the tunnel that I must follow to get Home. It is everything that I desire. It is the only perfect statement and needs no other secondary or supplementary words. Achieved, it will be the end of my… Continue reading Iamism and iamnotism
The shepherd’s game
I was once a sheep, but always a stubborn one. Sheep wait for direction and instruction. They do not make decisions on their own, and would rather the shepherd tell them where to go and what to do. It is their meat that feeds the shepherd, and their fleece that clothes him. The life of… Continue reading The shepherd’s game
Solipsism and Iamism
Solipsism is the belief that my mind is the only mind because the existence of other minds cannot be known. Is Iamism a form of solipsism? While some of the conclusions of Iamism are similar to those in solipsism, the intentions driving them appear different. While Iamism openly searches for certainty, it contends that certainty… Continue reading Solipsism and Iamism
Personal coequality
Personal coequality is the belief that I am equal to other people. That I am merely one instance of the class of beings called “people”. Despite not having anything in common with them beyond my performances, for the vast majority of my awakening I would have accepted that I was a “person”. What is a… Continue reading Personal coequality
Awakening as a projection
As I search for the truth, I seek clearer ways of describing myself. I seek out an explanatory vessel in which I can capture and hold the truth without it leaking out. My descriptions were once complicated, full of countless loopholes, fallacies, exceptions, and unknowns. Yet over time I refined it by patching holes, simplifying… Continue reading Awakening as a projection
Iamist fallacies
Pre-Iamism, I harbored many mistaken understandings that had hardened into a fallacious self-identity that obscured my true nature. It kept me permanently unmoored and unable to make sense of my existence. I distracted myself with work and various preoccupations to numb the pain at the core of my being. I could not articulate where it… Continue reading Iamist fallacies
What are people?
People are the fleshy bodies and characters that move about the world I awaken into. They appear in all different shapes, sizes, and temperaments and vary in countless ways from one another if I examine them. In demiself (the state in which I believe I am one person among the collective humanity), I imagine that… Continue reading What are people?