As I think…

Ugh getting dressed and going out into the cold…. I like warmth. I can see that now Desire for warmth is a reorientation toward Home, the divine, heaven, who I am Because I want to always be warm and body less… that is what warmth allows I just don’t want to move away from it… Continue reading As I think…

Constraining my secondself and thirdself to my moment

Though I hadn’t always described it as such, my mission for many years has been to constrain my secondself and thirdself to my moment. I once spent my moment lost in imaginary future moments. I would spend hours contemplating my future fortunes and experiences. It was titillating, because in those fantasies I was an accomplished… Continue reading Constraining my secondself and thirdself to my moment

The imaginary observer

Most of my awakening has been spent living by a perspective that only exists in my imagination. The most fundamental example of this perspective is the notion and belief that I am a person. Why? Because I experience myself in one way; as an observer looking out through a body into a wider world full… Continue reading The imaginary observer

My experience is existence

I am the only experiencer, and the totality of existence is constrained to my experience. There is nothing outside of or beyond my experience in this moment. What I imagine as lying beyond my direct experience is an artifact of my feverish awakening. My awakening is a single, smoldering, delirious moment in which I constantly… Continue reading My experience is existence

The anatomy of my awakening

The anatomy of my awakening is simple once I assume the correct perspective. First I must repossess my language: everything is mine. I do not use words and concepts over which I have no direct authority. For example, I do not talk about things I cannot know with absolute certainty, such as the idea of… Continue reading The anatomy of my awakening

What they will see

When I see myself as I am, my people will begin to see me as I am. What I look for is behind me, but what my people look for is in front of them. When I see myself, they will see me as I am. To them, I will be unimaginably big, and they… Continue reading What they will see

Why I must write

I have long wrestled with the reason behind my writing. I once wanted to inform, and even persuade. I continued to write, but the reason was never clear to me. I rarely shared, because whatever I wrote was not true. It did not express what I wanted to say. I wrote fiction, treatises, commentaries, refutations,… Continue reading Why I must write

The distance drift

One of the more difficult concepts to conceptualize and describe is the sensation of change. It is change that convinces me that time exists, despite it being entirely imaginary. And it is not that the imaginary does not exist, or cannot exist, only that it does not now. The imaginary is a great, never-ending road… Continue reading The distance drift