Evaluating potency

I know that to minimize the pain I experience while escaping the second place I must follow the most potent truths I can find. Truth is like a trail that leads me back to myself every single time. When I follow the most potent truths I stay on the trail and my pain is more… Continue reading Evaluating potency

The light is the projector

In prayer, when I close my eyes I often “see” a pulsing, misshapen light “in front of me”. I will spend much time looking at this light and wondering why it is there and what it is. It will often have sharp, fractured edges like broken glass when it pulses large, then recedes back to… Continue reading The light is the projector

What does the Iamist believe

As the Iamist I believe that my experience of awakening is a self-inflicted state of delusion and my only objective is to overcome it. I know that the idea that I am a person among other people temporarily experiencing an enduring world that pre-existed my birth and will endure long after my death is core… Continue reading What does the Iamist believe

I am not here

That I believe I am here, now, is an artifact of my demiselfist condition. The sum total of all my secondself beliefs and thirdself spaces is my moment. The size and shape of my moment is the size and shape of my illness. I am only present because I believe I am present. As long… Continue reading I am not here

Changes in withdrawal

Though I still feel very attached to my secondself, as I withdraw from my delusion of personhood I sense a growing gulf between what I consider my authentic self and the content of my thirdself. In thirdself when I consume video content of social characters, there is an awareness that these characters exist only in… Continue reading Changes in withdrawal