Conviction and the subsurface

In this incantation I aim to explore the relationship between my degree of conviction and the concept of the subsurface, which I have recently become very interested in. Are my subsurface and my conviction interchangeable?   As I have presently defined them, the surface comprises everything I am experiencing in my moment. There is a sensation… Continue reading Conviction and the subsurface

The final analogy?

In this incantation I ask myself the question: Have I finally found the single analogy that can bring clarity to my entire awakening? When everything comes together in one framework, I can hone one single perspective, defeating and overcoming all the complexities that have worked their way into my understanding of my awakening. My awakening… Continue reading The final analogy?

Heaven awaits

In this incantation I express the truth that what I seek is right here with me in every single moment. Heaven is real. Heaven is the peace I seek, absent this awakening illness and the painful desire that comes with it. Heaven is right now, right here. I do not have to go anywhere I… Continue reading Heaven awaits