In this incantation, I close my eyes to sever the illusion of personhood and reveal my primordial firstself. My secondself, the source of desires and thoughts, projects into thirdself as the world I experience — light, color, and form. By retreating inward, I re-engineer these desires that falsely compel me to seek satisfaction in external… Continue reading How I re-engineer my creation
Category: Uncategorized
Firstself: My primordial being
In this incantation, I recognize my Firstself as my primordial being, the original state of wholeness and completion. It is unchanging, authentic, and ever-present at the core of my moment, unlike the fleeting projections of my Secondself and Thirdself, which shimmer in the delusions of thought and form. My awakening is an explosive rupture, where… Continue reading Firstself: My primordial being
The big bang is when I open my eyes
In this incantation, I recognize that every time I open my eyes, I recreate the universe, mirroring the explosive creativity of the big bang. This process is not a distant memory of the past, but a living act, my own act of creation as I project my secondself and thirdself. With each blink, I dissolve… Continue reading The big bang is when I open my eyes
What I am: the selfist model
In this incantation, I can now say it simpler than ever before: I am the only Being, yet I suffer from a painful disorientation. I am omniself, but I repeatedly fall into demiself, a cystic implosion where my divine essence inverts into a state of delusion, projecting fictional selves. In this delusion, I pretend to… Continue reading What I am: the selfist model
The great deception
In this incantation, I reflect on the nature of belief, perception, and self-identity, exploring the idea that everything I consider reality is a product of my own imagination. I question the validity of shared existence and challenge the conventional notions of time, history, and other people, arguing that these concepts exist only because I project… Continue reading The great deception
It is time to let go of imaginary debates and defenses
In this incantation, I delve into the liberation found in releasing the futile battles of imaginary debates with fictional characters. By surrendering the need to justify or defend my beliefs, I embrace the freedom to focus on what truly matters: believing and accepting who I am. Letting go of these mental constructs opens space for… Continue reading It is time to let go of imaginary debates and defenses
I must accept that I am everything to peacefully end my manifestion
In this incantation, I confront the profound realization that I am the sole creator of everything I perceive, and that all external beings, places, and events are projections of my own consciousness. I reflect on the tension between my “eyesopen” state of awakening, where I mistakenly believe I am a small observer in a vast,… Continue reading I must accept that I am everything to peacefully end my manifestion
Memories are shimmers in my moment
In this incantation, I contemplate the dissolution of projections that keep me anchored in the illusion of separation, time, and space. I recognize that I am the sole projector, creating both inner experiences (“secondself”) and the external world (“thirdself”), all within my own moment. The concept of depth—time and space—challenges my return to the center,… Continue reading Memories are shimmers in my moment
I must move beyond the triself…
In this incantation I confront and describe the persistent sense that the triself falls short of explaining my awakening in some key ways, and my first instinct is to refine and clarify it, producing a new model to take its place. But I have reached the point where the next step is to let go… Continue reading I must move beyond the triself…
My movement creates change, time, and space
In this incantation I further define time in terms of movement and change. Time, movement, and change work together. When I move, I experience change. The impression of change forms the sensation of time and space. If I do not maneuver in secondself (mentally, emotionally), or in thirdself (physically), then I do not experience as… Continue reading My movement creates change, time, and space