The need for a path

I was always attracted to the various ideologies of salvation and ascension because they spoke about something I knew was real. They spoke about God, enlightenment, heaven, nirvana. I wanted that because I knew that there was  something beyond the familiar. But they all failed to provide a viable, practical path. The object of their… Continue reading The need for a path

The two places

There are two places: the peaceful first place I awaken from; and the painful second place I awaken into. I can experience both at any moment, but I have forgotten the true nature of the first place because I am lost in the second place. My only purpose is to escape the second place and… Continue reading The two places

Pain relief

The key to alleviating existential pain is to reduce my distances (read: The distances). Distances are imagined differences between conceptual and perceptual forms I desire. Every distance separates at least two points that can exist perceptually or conceptually. For example, I believe I am a certain weight now; I desire to be a different weight.… Continue reading Pain relief

Practical poverty

All spiritual ideologies at some point declare that poverty reveals the truth. While the state of having little allows me to focus on my descent, it is often done out of order. The word ‘poverty’ itself is associated with having less than I need. But it is relative, and defined from the perspective of one… Continue reading Practical poverty

Ascentist optimism

There are many types of ascentism, but they all share one thing in common: they accept that reality is being shared by many others. That this experience I am having is being had by others, and that this world I am in is large and encompassing. The collective “we” are experiencing the inside of this… Continue reading Ascentist optimism

The distances

The second place can be described as a place of “distances”. A distance is a separation between two or more things. There are always two points between my second self and everything else. For example, there is a point where I am physically, and there is a point where the mountains are. The distance is… Continue reading The distances

De-manifesting the gatekeepers

There are a few people in my life who feel threatened by my decisions and ideology. They try to constrain and diminish me, often by using my past comments, actions, and behaviors against me. Their interpretations are either misunderstandings or willful misrepresentations and do not represent me. It is tempting to engage these people to… Continue reading De-manifesting the gatekeepers

I follow my desire

Where I look is where I go. What I want, is what I pursue. Where I spend most of my time and energy, is what I want. I did not own what I desired until I confronted it. To make meaningful change, I must desire that change. …

Prayer of descent

I mourn my awakening. I will continue to awaken into the second place until I am who I am. When I forget who I am, I wander deeper into the second place. When I remember who I am, I move closer to the first place. There are three stages of my awakening, and each is… Continue reading Prayer of descent
