My past

I once believed that the truth of my life lie in the past. But my inability to recall my own supposed birth, and many other details of my life, contradict the first principle of descentism: I can directly and experientially know the entire truth. How do I reconcile this? I reconcile this by accepting what… Continue reading My past

The origin constant: I am everywhere

I move around constantly in my outer perceptual environment of physical forms and sensations. And similarly, I constantly move around my inner conceptual environment of thoughts, ideas, and feelings. From moment to moment, these two environments are changing. While my projected outer and inner environments are always changing, they both emanate outward from a center… Continue reading The origin constant: I am everywhere

The original law

There is only one law: the Original Law. The Original Law is that I will return to my origin. My origin is my being, my moment.  I am in my origin now, but I am unable to realize and be it. …

My path to descent

My progression toward descent occurred in stages. I want. I had a strong desire for something at the core of my being. I could not articulate what I wanted, but I could explain the many things I believed would give it to me. I grew and refined my dreams, steering away from those things I… Continue reading My path to descent

What I know

July 21, 2021 Note: I didn’t really complete this WIK, and will continue it at the top of my journal as the evolving summary of descentism. The narrative I learned out here is very different from the narrative that my direct experience reveals. When I listen to my direct experience, I arrive at very different… Continue reading What I know

There is only one truth

I have always sensed there was a truth beneath the surface of my familiar life in the second place that would ease the pain at the center of my being. What I seek is my first and last desire every day, and which I only find in sleep, in the first place: peace. Every desire… Continue reading There is only one truth

Life is the pursuit of peace

What is life? We are all searching for something. It is this desire that drives everything we think and do, from our primitive physical “needs”, to our long-term aspirations. Our inner and outer life experience is the interplay of these desires, and it is essential to understand them if we want to find what we… Continue reading Life is the pursuit of peace

Reason is a trap

I want to return. But why am I here? Why do I want to ‘return’? Why do I want to stop my awakenings? I once gave precedence to reason over all else, even my desires. Surely there must be an answer to these questions. I sought a neat, conclusive answer built on logic and reason… Continue reading Reason is a trap