Existential alignment

Existential alignment is the state in which my belief in my essential identity is greater than my belief in my inessential identity. My conviction empowers me to release my second place, inessential desires for relief and reorient toward my essential desire for peace. With conviction, my actions in the second place are synchronized with my… Continue reading Existential alignment

The constellation

As a descentist, I know that my waking life is an illness that interrupts my true and healthful state I assume in sleep. I know that my peaceful state persists within my illness as my core desire for peace. But the illness accumulates upon my desire for peace as the constellation of inner and outer… Continue reading The constellation

I am the author

Before descent, I was lost without realizing it. I always knew I was missing something, but I suppressed that and focused on overcoming the challenges of the world I found myself in. I woke up every day and continued what I had started in days before. I spent my time searching for various types of… Continue reading I am the author

The distortion

The distortion is a persistent constellation of conceptual and perceptual convictions that manifest as the various inner and outer forms and performances I experience in my awakening. It accumulates in the way that dust accumulates on a car left outside, until I can no longer see what is underneath. The distortion hides the source from… Continue reading The distortion

My existential dichotomy

My existence is an illness built upon the delusion that I am this person who wakes up every day into this world. But this is not true, and the truth of my identity hides in plain site. I can begin to see and overcome this delusion by examining the difference between the permanent and transitory… Continue reading My existential dichotomy

What I know

November 24, 2021 I exist in three shapes. I am my first shape when I asleepen. My first shape contains my second and third shapes, which form when I awaken. I experience my existence as a constant oscillation between these two states: my asleepening state of my first shape, and my awakening state of my… Continue reading What I know

My unified desire

In my ascent, I was accustomed to imagining my life as a series of discrete events. Waking up was a different event than going to sleep. But this framing of my experience distorted my actual condition. In my descent I have realized that my awakening into the second place is not disconnected from my asleepening… Continue reading My unified desire