Rediscovering the creator

In this incantation, I acknowledge my identity as the Creator, the one who shapes every element of my reality. Everything I perceive, from people to objects and emotions, is a manifestation of my own will, existing only because I choose to observe and engage with it. To fully embrace this truth, I must abandon the… Continue reading Rediscovering the creator

The information cigarette

In this incantation, I awaken to a life overwhelmed by information, once pleasurable like a cigarette, but now addictive, burdensome, and unsatisfying. I dream of breaking free from the constant flood of data and craving an awakening untouched by the endless pursuit of news and updates. I awaken to an experience drowning in information. It’s… Continue reading The information cigarette

Unwakenism: desire vs peace

In this incantation, I recognize that each morning, when I awaken and choose my identity, I also choose to desire, for without desire, I have no identity. The philosophy of Unwakenism reveals two paths: wanting more, which leads to suffering, or wanting less, which brings peace. By choosing to want less, I step off the… Continue reading Unwakenism: desire vs peace

My condition

In this incantation, I recognize my addiction to waking as the first step in a relentless cycle of desire, action, and unfulfillment. My search for what I lack—through business, success, and outward achievements—only reinforces the illusion of time and space I project around me. The true fulfillment I seek is not in these external dimensions… Continue reading My condition

Escaping through my premoment

In this incantation, I describe the “premoment,” a state where I recognize the world and others as mere projections of my own creation, much like characters in a story. Reality is an illusion that exists only if I choose to believe in it. From this premoment, I see through these illusions and regain control, understanding… Continue reading Escaping through my premoment

The Bible as a map

In this incantation, I see the Bible as a map for escaping Hell—the illusion of the world—and returning to Heaven, my true self. The journey begins in the Garden of Eden, where awakening to my separate existence mirrors the fall of man. As I navigate through this metaphorical Hell, clothed in illusions and ego, the… Continue reading The Bible as a map

My unwakening

In this incantation, I articulate that I am not just a person bound by time and space, but the creator of my entire experience. I am the Author projecting both the people I interact with and the spaces I traverse, all stemming from my decision to awaken. My struggle is that despite knowing there is… Continue reading My unwakening